3 Budget Friendly Valentine’s Day Ideas

3 Budget Friendly Valentine’s Day Ideas

I feel like I am the worst at planning for Valentine’s Day. I don’t know if it is because my wedding anniversary is a week before it or what, but it has always been hard for me to plan great Valentine’s Day dates for me and my hubby. I decided that this year I would think up some of the easiest and most money friendly ideas I could come up with because we deserve a day of romance for just us.

Before getting into the 5 money friendly Valentine’s Day ideas that I came up with, it is important for me to mention that my husband and I spoil each other constantly. We don’t wait for anniversaries or holidays to show each other how much we love each other. We do small things each and every day to show each other how much they are appreciated and we speak to each other’s love languages. For example, my husband’s love language is quality time and physical touch. So, I spend time with him when he is playing is video games or watching his golf shows – he has literally said how much it means to him to just have me in the room with him, even if I am on my phone. We also make sure to cuddle each and every night after Cooper goes to bed. In those little ways, among others, we show each other how much we love the other every day.

With that said, after becoming parents, it has been hard to find a day of romance with just the two of us. Valentine’s Day fits that bill (with a babysitter!). So, I thought it would be imperative to come up with some ideas that are budget friendly for us to do a little more than we would do on the typical day.

1. Cook a romantic dinner at home

I love to cook and hubby loves my cooking. One of his favorite meals is steak and potatoes. Other than purchasing the steak, this budget friendly Valentine’s Day idea is relatively cost effective. Because you are cooking at home, you don’t have to worry about tip or paying extra to valet or even to get some yummy appetizers that are the menu. Plus, you can light all the candles around the house and set the mood that way. Even get dressed up for an in-home date night! I’ve done it before and it really changes the mood! Plus – save the dirty dishes for the morning. They will still be there when you get up!

2. Have a picnic in a local park

Making dinner at home and packing it up and taking it out to a local park is a cute and romantic Valentine’s Day Date. You can even make the meal together for some bonding, get dressed all cute, and enjoy the meal surrounded by greenery. Even take a nice, long walk together. This might be hard if you live up north in the colder states (I forget how lucky I am in Florida!) so you can simulate this by putting on a YouTube channel that mimics a local park or even a crackling fireplace. Plus, picnics are perfect for having berries to snack on and even feed to each other to keep the mood going.

3. Binge romantic movies

All you need is to add some wine, chocolate covered strawberries, and comfy blankets and this is perfect! What else could get you all in the mood besides some romantic movies? Now I know some guys might not be into this, but if just being with each other is all you need, then this is for you. My hubby would love to do this with me just so we could cuddle together. Even staying up late together talking about the movie and being in the moment with each other is what makes this option perfect.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

There you have it. 3 budget friendly ideas to show your partner how much they mean to you this Valentine’s day. You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars to show the people you love how much you appreciate them. These ideas will work for Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, birthdays, and just any other day you want to show some appreciation. I know I try to do at least 1 of these for my hubby once a month to show him that he deserves this special time. It really is worth it!

Copyright 2024. Jessica Nash. All rights reserved.

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