Pool Day!

Pool Day!

Cooper LOVES the water! Living in FL, we wanted to make sure that he wasn’t scared of water and wanted to be in it. He has been in the water since he was about 2 months old and it did take some getting used to, but now, he’s like a little fish!

At the beginning, he didn’t like how cold the water was. After he was put in warmer water, he completely changed his tune! He loved to float, splash, and kick his feet. Once we continued to put him in the water, he cared less and less about the temperature and just wanted to splash and splash!

This weekend my parents came into town to visit and help with our move back home. They love FL and water so we made sure to spend a few hours at the pool with them. Honestly, if they could permanently move here, they would. My mom loves the heat, sandy beaches, and pool. They are a bit disappointed that we are moving back to the Midwest just for the loss of FL visits, but are excited to have us back home to be around Cooper more.

My husband and I will not miss the FL heat or beaches or pool. But I think Cooper will. He has been to the beach a few times and is hit or miss with the water (depending on temperature), but with the pool, he loves it! He was born here and hasn’t spent more than a few days in the Midwest so it really is all that he knows.

I hope once we move back to the Midwest, he loves the snow just as much as the water and I can get some of the same big smiles out of him :).

Copyright 2023 Jessica Nash. All rights reserved.

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