ALERT: Cooper is officially WALKING!

ALERT: Cooper is officially WALKING!

Wow. Time has flown by. I cannot believe that Cooper is almost 11 months old. It really feels like yesterday that we were driving home from the hospital. Throughout all of his milestones, I have had a sense of pride and joy. Even though I didn’t want to rush his process of growing up, I was eager to see when he would start crawling, walking, getting his first tooth, and all of the other “firsts” he was going to have. I will say, walking came quicker than I expected.

First Steps

I guess Coop takes after me because my mom said I was walking around 7 or 8 months. So, he’s just a little later than that but he is walking around before he turns 1. He took his first steps the day before Thanksgiving but was still trying to get his balance under control so he can stand on his own. Well, Thanksgiving came and went, and now he is full on walking machine! His balance is so much better and he is working on standing up without help. As soon as he pulls himself up with the couch or something else to help him, he is ready to go!

Honestly, I didn’t think this would happen until closer to Christmas. He didn’t start crawling until the beginning of November. So, in just under 3 weeks, we went from having a crawl-all-over-the-place baby to a I’m ready to walk everywhere baby. My hubby couldn’t seem to get over the fact that it happened so fast but that’s just how things go sometimes.

I had a feeling he would at least be walking before he turned 1 simply because he never really showed any interest in crawling. He hated to be on his hands and knees and always wanted to stand. He was doing assisted walking since he was about 6 months old. We would hold his hands and he would walk around or he would walk around his activity table or even walk with his push-and-go walker. I was more surprised when he took off crawling than with how quickly it went from crawling to walking. Don’t get me wrong, he still crawls – A LOT. I think it’s because he knows he is faster that way and can try to out run us!

Regardless, I am so proud of him and everything that he has done so far this year. To see him walking makes my heart ache for the newborn days, but I know that we are just entering a new phase with wonderful things set to happen. It really feels like I have a toddler now and not just my little baby. Still, his adventures and growth are so fun to watch and couldn’t make me any happier.

To see the full video of Cooper walking, check out my Instagram @lifewiththenashs. #coopsadventures

Copyright 2023 Jessica Nash. All rights reserved.

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