First trip to the Children’s Museum

First trip to the Children’s Museum

One of the best things about being a mom is watching your child experience the world. The Children’s Museum is a great place to do that. In Tampa, the Glazer Children’s Museum has free admission on the first Tuesday of every month so Cooper and I went yesterday. I know he is still so little to experience everything there, but he played with things that were “Cooper sized” and played with some kids his own age.

He loved showing me (and everyone that walked by) everything he grabbed and played with. He also loved watching all of the other kids climb around and play around him. Even though he is walking, he is still learning to trust his balance so he didn’t walk around much at the Museum. He crawled everywhere though and loved exploring.

There was a horse saddle that I thought was so cute and tried to get a picture of him in it. Since his balance isn’t perfect yet, he needed help staying on top so I couldn’t get the best picture. Plus, it was getting close to his lunchtime with only a very short morning nap so he was starting to get fussy. Still, I got somewhat of a picture and it was worth it. 🙂

I do wish I was able to get more pictures of him but I was focused on being in the moment with him. It also would have been more help if I had hubby there with me so he could help get him in the pictures. Even so, Cooper had so much fun and loved playing with anything he could. He even loved walking around downtown a bit and looking at all of the big buildings and Christmas decorations. I plan to take him back to the Museum and see how much more fun he has as he gets older! #coopsadventures

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