
Welcome, everyone! My name is Jess Nash, and I am a dog and boy mama. My son (Cooper) is 1 year old, and my two yellow labs are 4 (Simba) and 2 (Rudy) years old – pictures below :). I am a part-time work from home mama who juggles work duties as well as household duties every day. Life here is chaotic, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

I chose to start blogging because I have always had a passion for writing. I went to college for Communication and spent time writing academically for papers and Public Speaking. I currently have a PhD in Communication and teach Public Speaking at a local college. Blogging feels like the place to take my writing down a more creative direction. So, I not only want to turn this blog into a place for me to continue to write creatively, but to also create a community of families that can relate to what everyday working moms experience. I also hope to help anyone who needs to hear a story similar to their own to know that they are not alone in their journey.

Beyond work and my writing passion, I love to cook and read. I read young adult fiction as well as personal development books. I plan to share my recommendations/reviews for books and all of the recipes that I use here on the blog. All of my recipes are tried and true and loved by my husband (who is a VERY picky eater!).

Along with books, recipes, mom experiences, and work experiences, I plan to write about all of the family adventures we go on and attempt to view them through Cooper’s eyes. Kids are so innocent and pure that I want to capture his wonder and awe in my writing and see the world differently through him.

So, join me on my everyday adventures (some not so glamorous) in my daily blog posts. I plan to show what life is really like for us working from home mamas – the good, the bad, the ugly, and everything in between!

Visit my contact page to get in touch with me!

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