The BEST Baby Walker!

The BEST Baby Walker!

Before becoming a busy mama, baby walkers were’t my thing. My sister used one with her daughter and I never pictured myself using one with my kids. Not because there is anything wrong with them, but I figured I would be around enough to help my kids walk. Boy, I was wrong!

DISCLOSURE: This post contains affiliate links that I directly benefit from.

I bought the Smart Steps Activity Walker from Amazon for Cooper and he loves it! Now, I didn’t only purchase it for Coop. I needed a place to hold him where he was still entertained enough so I could get some things done. I had a baby bouncer that was handed down to me by my sister, but he outgrew that fast! He’s a tall boy. He also showed interest in walking from 5 months old. Once he reach about 7 and a half months, he was walking around the couch and throughout the house while holding our fingers. I could tell he wanted to let go and just go off on his own but he was not yet strong enough to stand on his own.

Enter: Smart Steps Activity Walker. Once I put him in this, he took off! He loves having his independence and being able to explore safely and strengthen his little legs. He loves chasing the dogs and us in it and finding new things to try and get into. It really gave him a chance to be independent which is what I could see he wanted.

Now, I have seen videos and some research by pediatricians and physical therapists that baby walkers and bouncers teach babies to walk on their tippi toes and hurt their development when it comes to crawling and walking milestones. They do claim that these toys are fine when used sparingly and not overused. While this information is valid and was even a concern of mine, I realized that as long as Cooper is not in his bouncer or walker all day long, it won’t hinder his growth in the long run. I only keep him in the walker for 15-20 minutes a day if I put him in it.

I say all this to make sure that you have the information that you need to make an educated decision. For a busy mama like me, the walker helps me get dinner started or do a little cleaning or start a load of laundry while he stays occupied and is safe. By all means, do what is best for your family and what makes sense for you.

Here are some specifics about the Smart Steps Activity Walker that I love!

  1. It is adjustable! It can grow with your baby as they get taller and need more space.
  2. It is foldable! You can collapse it for easy storage or to hide it away when company comes over.
  3. It is easy to clean! The tray is plastic and wipes away cleanly with a white or rag.
  4. It has toys built into the top! Cooper loves these and they distract him when he just wants something to play with while he walks. Also, because these toys “stand up,” I was able to add toys to them by clipping them around the base so Cooper could use those to teeth on while he walks.

Those are just some of the reasons why I love the Smart Steps Activity Walker. If you think it would be a great fit for your little one, just follow the links and leave a comment letting me know what you think of it!

Copyright 2023 Jessica Nash. All rights reserved.

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