Celebrating 2 years of marriage

Celebrating 2 years of marriage

Hubby and I have been married for 2 years! Holy cow….time has flown by! So much has happened in that 2 year span that it makes my head spin sometimes. I still am in shock that I found someone that loves me unconditionally each and every day (even on the hard days). Our wedding was beautiful and wonderful but I honestly don’t remember much of it. It is ironic, isn’t it? We spend tons of money on one day for it to mostly be a blur. Ever since I was little though, the most important part of my wedding was the person standing next to me and I nailed that. Here’s a little bit about our story.

How we met

Hubby and I met on a military base when I was moving my sister in with her Marine husband 4 and 1/2 years ago. Hubby was my brother-in-law’s good friend and we started talking shortly after we met. I was cranky the day we met due personal family reasons and it took us about 2 weeks before we started warming up to each other. Once we did, we knew that this was it.

Our first date was to an escape room then dinner at The Melting Pot and finally, we went to batting cage and played in an arcade. If you know us at all, we are both very competitive so ending our date at the batting cage and in an arcade just was the cherry on top.

After that, it really was history. I ended up moving down to FL and we did the long distance thing for a few months (he even surprised me Labor Day weekend by coming on my sister and my Disney trip!). But then COVID hit and the school I was attending and teaching at went fully remote. So I moved up to where my sister was living on base and we basically lived with them during the COVID months. We got engaged at the end of 2020 and we both went down to FL at the beginning of 2021 when he got out of the military. Since then, we have lived in FL and grew our family.

2 years with many changes

In the two years that we have been married, we have bought a house (that we are now trying to sell….go figure), got married, travelled all over together, added another doggo to our home, got pregnant, and have an amazing son. It has been 2 years of constant go, go, go with nothing but an upward trajectory. Everything was going so well with so many great new things happening for us. We truly felt blessed.

But this year might be one of the hardest for us. Since we have had nothing but great things since we met, really, we knew that we were due for some rough roads. While I am still working from home, my income has drastically taken a decline which has left us in some financial difficulties (some of which are directly the cause of my student loans, but I digress). Even though we are struggling in that regard, we know that with each other, we can make it through anything.

We remind ourselves every day how lucky we are to have each other, have a roof over our heads, have our dogs, and our wonderful toddler. Anything else we can get through with the love and support of each other and our family and friends. Without our family, we wouldn’t have the house we have or some of the other great blessings we have in our lives. We are incredibly lucky regardless of the financial situation we find ourselves in. And we keep reminding ourselves of that.

#1 Marriage Tip (more coming soon!)

I know I have only been married for 2 years. But I will leave you with this. The #1 piece of marriage advice I can give right now is that you cannot overuse the phrase “I love you.” That phrase has magical properties – I am sure of it. The more you say it, the more you are reminded of the love you have for your partner and the love they have for you. Love is as close as we can get to real magic, so why not reinforce it each and every day with our partners?

Copyright 2024. Jessica Nash. All rights reserved.

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