Coop’s First Christmas

Coop’s First Christmas

I cannot believe that we are already finishing up another calendar year. This time of year is so magical and full of love that it is wonderful to be able to see it through a child’s eyes. Because Cooper is a January baby, he was able to really enjoy Christmas. He could open the presents and play with all of his toys all day so it really made it a special day. Even though he will not remember it, I will and to see him excited to open presents is a wonderful feeling. There aren’t enough words to describe it.

This Christmas we had my parents visiting and Cooper spent Christmas with them. We didn’t do a big Christmas with lots of presents mostly because Cooper is so young that presents aren’t as great for him now as they would be when he is older (but also due to financial reasons). We watched him open his presents and see him get excited for a second over some of the toys, but ultimately, the best presents were the boxes they came in.

For dinner, our family typically does a turkey for Christmas but this year we decided to make homemade pizzas. Because it was just my parents and us, we felt that it was easier and didn’t involve all of the clean up or mess from a big turkey dinner. Plus, hubby LOVES pizza. It’s probably his favorite food of all time. Honestly, having the pizza for dinner really made this Christmas unique. I know that this will be a tradition that I try continue on with my family for years to come.

We really enjoyed Christmas day. It was a relaxing day and we could just sit back and enjoy each other’s company. There wasn’t any rushing around from house to house or trying to get dinner made as quickly as we could which made it pretty special. I was able to enjoy the day as much as the rest of them and I am so glad I made this Christmas special for Cooper. It is definitely one that we will always remember. #cooopsadventures

Copyright 2024 Jessica Nash. All rights reserved.

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