Coop’s First Date <3

Coop’s First Date <3

As if time isn’t flying by fast enough, Cooper went on his first date last night. Of course, it was chaperoned by parents, but it didn’t stop him from giving his date a kiss. Cooper is going to be a heartbreaker when he grows up, and he is already taking his girl out to great dates.

Cooper and his girl, Delaney, met for the first time at a Baby Time session at our local library. Delaney is only 3 months younger than Coop so they have a great relationship. Colleen, Delaney’s mom, and I became quick friends. In the beginning, we only met up at Baby Time but soon we found out that we actually live down the street from each other! Literally! I can see their house from my backyard. So, since then we try to get together when we can and have the kids spend time together.

As the kids have gotten older, we can tell that they each are starting to not only recognize each other more, but they are recognizing each of us more. Delaney lights up when she sees Cooper, my husband, and myself. Cooper does the same with her family. It truly is so cute to watch them interact and grow together.

Because it is the Christmas season, Colleen and I have been trying to go to the Florida Botanical Gardens to see the lights and take the kids. Even though our kids are young, the lights are something fun for them to look at and enjoy. And, boy, did they have a blast.

I was a little worried that Cooper would be grumpy during this date because he missed his afternoon nap, but he was nothing but giggly and happy the entire time. We would have them “walk” next to each other in the strollers and when we stopped, Cooper would reach for Delaney’s hand to hold it. It was PRECIOUS to say the least. Delaney would smile and light up any time he was trying to “talk” to her or get her attention. They both had a twinkle in their eye! Cooper even gave her a kiss in front of a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. It was adorable!

We took tons of pictures of them together to commemorate the moment. They both enjoyed their time together and all of the lights. I have to say, for a first date, it wasn’t too shabby. I know they are both looking forward to their second date together and hopefully there will be many more. 🙂 #coopsadventures

Copyright 2023 Jessica Nash. All rights reserved.

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