Cousins Visit for Easter 2024

Cousins Visit for Easter 2024

I know. I know. Easter was a few weeks ago. Things have been CRAZY in the Nash household. We have all been sick so that is why I am just now getting around to writing this post! We had my parents and niece and nephew visit and it was great having them. Cooper really enjoyed being able to hang out with his cousins.

We spent Easter Sunday going to church, then breakfast, then home for an Easter egg hunt. We didn’t do anything special for Easter dinner since it was just a few of us – just had some yummy lasagna!! It was a low key Easter and the highlight was that Cooper got to spend it with his grandparents and cousins.

Everyone stayed for a few days after Easter so we made the most of their trip. We went to the pool and the Glazer Children’s Museum. The best day, I think, was the Glazer Children’s Museum. The kids had a blast!! Coop loved being able to play with blocks and follow Dominic and Kenzie around. But, I am pretty sure this is how Coop got a cold and then passed it along to my husband and myself! We are just now getting back to 100%.

After the museum, we walked around downtown Tampa and grabbed lunch and walked along the river. We ended up at the park for the kids to play a bit but Coop was already worn out that he fell asleep in the stroller! We capped off our day downtown with ice cream and headed home.

It really was a great week and Easter to have my parents and niece and nephew here to visit. I know Coop had a blast and really enjoyed being able to see family. Those moments are priceless. #coopsadventures

Copyright 2024. Jessica Nash. All rights reserved.

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