Let’s Talk Pregnancy Symptoms

Let’s Talk Pregnancy Symptoms

I have to say, this pregnancy is much more rough than it was with Cooper. Not only have I had incredibly bad morning sickness for two full months, but I also had intense complex migraines each week of the first trimester. Those are just the beginning of the list of symptoms that have been going on this pregnancy.

Besides morning sickness and migraines, I have had no appetite and only craved a few things once the second trimester got underway. Dizziness, nausea, and feeling weak all accompanied the first trimester. I also have had no energy the entire pregnancy. Now I am not talking just low energy or gotta just give myself the push to get things done. I mean NO energy. It was a task to get out of bed every day.

I used to read every day before this pregnancy and now the thought of picking up a book makes me want to take a nap! It is awful because reading helps me fill my cup and is my own personal hobby that keeps me sane. It has bene hard not reading this pregnancy. I know, I know. I could force myself to read. But the energy is just not there and I can’t find it in me to pick up a book. It is a new kind of lack of energy that I have never felt before.

Plus needing to keep up with an 18 month old at the same time really wears you out on top of it. So, my energy is just gone. That’s why there hasn’t been any more book related posts on here in months! I just have no energy for it and I can tell that my heart just is not in it right now.

Besides the low energy and everything else, I have also had incredibly bad mood swings. My hormones are all over the place this pregnancy. I don’t know if it is because I am having a girl, but my husband doesn’t know what Jess he is getting when he comes home from work. And frankly, I don’t know either. Plus, my mood swings shift in an instant and I feel so out of control. I can go from super happy to pissed to crying in a matter of 3 minutes. It has been quite the rollercoaster.

I say of this not only to be vulnerable on here but to start to normalize pregnancy symptoms. Sometimes we don’t experience all of these. I definitely didn’t with Cooper. I only experienced a few with him. While pregnancy is a beautiful and exciting journey, it is so important that we recognize that it is not easy. Our bodies were made to do incredible things. I mean, come on, I am literally growing a person! How incredible is that? Pretty incredible.

But it’s also extremely difficult and not always a happy experience that we love. And I am here to say that it is okay for us to not like pregnancy. It’s the beautiful baby at the end that makes all of the hard times of pregnancy worth it. And I can’t wait to meet our little princess here in a few months.

Copyright 2024. Jessica Nash. All rights reserved.

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