Mimi comes to visit!

Mimi comes to visit!

Cooper loves his Mimi! Every time she comes to visit, he has the best time! Now, he always has a blast when all of his relatives visit, but it is something special when he can really get some one-on-one time. At the age he is now, he loves showing everyone his toys and how fast he can run so Mimi had to keep up with him this weekend. It was wonderful!

Not only does Coop have a great time when she visits, the dogs absolutely adore her! Both of our dogs are from her litters so she spent plenty of time with them when they were pups and they get so excited when they hear she is coming. All Simba wants to do is cuddle with her and get all of the pets. All Rudy wants to do is run in the yard playing frisbee. And let me tell you, Rudy can go all day with the frisbee regardless of how worn out he gets. And he knows that Mimi will spend all day throwing it for him too. Just look at how happy this boy is!

Besides just be excited that Mimi is here, Coop took Mimi to the pool, park, and Strawberry Festival! Mimi had fun at all 3 and Coop loved being able to spend time with her at each place. He was in his element and loved being able to play and climb.

It says a lot when we can spend so much time outside this time of year when it is so different in the Midwest. Mimi wasn’t looking forward to going back to cold weather!! Until next time…. #coopsadventures

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