Super Late Father’s Day Post

Super Late Father’s Day Post

It has been a crazy month! We have had a couple family members visit and have been catching up with some local friends, so this post is coming about 2 weeks late. Plus, my energy is still mostly gone from this second pregnancy so attempting to do anything takes everything out of me! I also am the WORST at keeping up with pictures so I didn’t get any pictures of Seth and Coop on Father’s day. Talk about a mom fail!

But, even without the photos to commemorate the day, I am sure Seth had a wonderful weekend. He went golfing with some of his buddies on Saturday and on Sunday we spent the day together as a family. He wanted to spend a few hours at the PGA superstore, go out to lunch, and spend the day with me and Coop. Unfortunately, adulting doesn’t stop, so we still had to do some grocery shopping that day. But he said that he enjoyed it because he was with us all day.

I know that we celebrate Father’s Day and Mother’s Day once a year, but sometimes I think we need to remember to celebrate the fathers and mothers in our lives each and every day. We don’t stop being dads or moms. They are a full time job. So, I am trying to make a conscious effort going forward to make sure I show appreciation for the mothers and fathers in my life, especially Seth.

This is cliche, but it is true what they say – make sure to pick the right partner, because you aren’t just choosing a husband but you are choosing your future kids father. I am so happy I picked the best husband and father that I could have. Seth not only goes out of his way to make sure I am taken care of (during and outside of pregnancy), but he also makes sure to give Coop his full attention even if he doesn’t feel good or is exhausted from working all day. He always puts me and Coop above himself and before everything else. I am so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing partner to navigate all of life’s ups and downs. I wouldn’t want it any other way.

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