Tried & True Recipes

This is one of my favorite sections because it covers one of my favorite things: FOOD! I think it is important to recognize that even though I am a work from home mama, I have hobbies and interests outside of work and motherhood and one of those is food. Since I can remember, I have always been interested in cooking and creating new things. I want a section where I share family recipes and new recipes of my own with all of you. But, I want to make sure the recipe is highlighted! So, I won’t be having any long story to get to the recipe. Instead, I will post separate stories that detail the story behind the recipe. This way the recipe gets the recognition it deserves (and so does the inspiration behind it!).

My love for food is borne out of my Italian heritage. I grew up watching my nonna cook big meals for our big family and I enjoyed the comradery that it brought to our table. I learned her recipes and can pass them on to my children. I also learned the recipes from my grandmother on my mom’s side. Both of my grandmothers were/are different types of cooks – one rooted in Italian cuisine and the other in true down home American cuisine. I have learned how to combine both for new and interesting dishes that my family loves.

When I cook one of their recipes, I am transported to when I was a child and cooking with them. My nonna has since passed so these memories and recipes are all I have left. I am fortunate that my maternal grandmother is still with us, so I am able to create new food related memories with her and my son. While I wish he could meet and share similar experiences with my nonna, I know that I can recreate her dishes with him and bring her into the kitchen with us. It is truly something special to be able to share moments, memories, and love through food.

So much of my life has centered around the kitchen and food generally that it has become a space of relaxation for me. When I am cooking, I am transported to the memory of cooking the same recipe with a family member and it brings a flood of happy emotions. While cooking sometimes can frustrating and difficult, I find it to be my outlet after a long day. When we step back and have fun in the kitchen without worrying about everything being perfect, we create memories and a space filled with love. I hope that I can bring some of that to all of you through my easy, memory rich recipes.


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