We’re back! Pregnancy & Disney Updates

We’re back! Pregnancy & Disney Updates

I know, I know. I haven’t written in about a month and a half. It has been a crazy couple of months. I needed to take a step back and focus on my health for a few weeks. But we are back at it now…..and A LOT has happened!

The first surprise came our way right around Easter. We found out that we are expecting again and it was quite a shock. This was definitely unplanned and took us by surprise, but God always has a plan. While we don’t feel ready, we know that this child is coming at the perfect time by God’s plan. Cooper is still too little to fully understand that he is going to be a big brother, but he is definitely excited to know something is going on!

This pregnancy is very different from my pregnancy with Cooper. With Cooper, I didn’t have any morning sickness and had much more energy throughout the entire pregnancy. This time around the morning sickness has given me a run for the money. I also have had no energy to do anything – it has been a task to just get up out of bed. All of April and most of May was spent dealing with rough morning sickness and lack of energy. Things are finally starting to turn around now – thank goodness!

Beyond the pregnancy and symptoms that come with it, we had an eventful couple of weeks. We had some good friends come stay with us and we took Coop on his first Disney trip. He went on lots of rides and saw some animals. He absolutely loved it! I was surprised too because he is still little, only 16 months old, so I didn’t think he would enjoy it as much. But he did and it was totally worth it! It was an adventure to remember. #coopsadventures

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